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We are a reference
on racial issues in Brazil

Connecting our purpose with the SDGs

Our actions are also guided and measured by the greatest challenges of our time, mapped by the UN (United Nations).


Making the SDGs resonate with Brazil

Image representing SDG 1Image representing SDG 2Image representing SDG 3
To be an institution of excellent people connected with the purpose of inclusion, being the main global reference in companies, government, and society.
Accelerate the strengthening of an inclusive culture in companies, government, and society, enhancing talents, access to information, and designing solutions with the integration of Black, Indigenous, and marginalized populations in decision-making positions.
Proactivity, Solution Focus, Respect for Diversity, Dialogue, Transparency, Sustainability, and Effectiveness.

Racial Equality Manifesto

We won't wait!
In 2023, we conducted a study to investigate how long it would take for Black and Indigenous talents to experience the same perspectives of entry, growth, and development in the corporate world.

And ID_BR discovered that it would take another 167 years for racial equality to happen in the job market. If the racial agenda continues to move at a slow pace, as it does today, only in 2190 will companies and organizations be able to claim they are inclusive.

If nothing is done, generations living in 2023 will not see this happen. Neither will we. Nor you or your organization. Nor our sons and daughters. Nor our parents. Nor our grandparents. Nor our friends. Only in three generations.

And you, do you have the privilege of waiting more than a century and a half for equality? We don't. Millions of Black and Indigenous people don't. That's why we establish partnerships, develop projects, create solutions, invest in innovation, rationalize and racialize technologies, even turning artificial intelligence into a tool to foster and expand the racial cause.

If the future can be predicted, it can also be changed. And this is the purpose of the Racial Equality Future Manifesto: we won't wait 167 years!

This is the pact so that together we can transform powerful journeys and change the future.